About me
In 1988, when I was 10, my family moved to Mexico City where I spent most of my college years and started my professional career.
I am married and we have two beautiful boys. We live in Brussels since 2018; I love reading, sports, and food. Family is the most important thing to me.

In year 2001, after spending part of my studies in Mexico, Netherlands, and Chile, I obtained my bachelor’s degree in Business and Financial Administration from the Instituto Tecnológico de Monterrey.
In 2005, I obtained a master’s degree with distinction in International Banking and Finance from the University of Birmingham, United Kingdom.
In 2011, I completed my studies on Strategic Management in Public Administration at ITAM (Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México) and just recently, during the summer of 2020, I completed the Strategic Innovation Programme at the University of Oxford, UK.
Early years
In 2001, I started my professional journey in the financial sector at the Institute for Protection of Bank Savings in areas such as processes improvement, analysis of financial support and asset management. During this time, I participated in the privatization process of banking system and other government assets such as the two major national airlines.
By 2007, when I was 28 years old, I became the youngest ever Director General for Revenue Collection at the State of Mexico’s Government. During my five years at this position, I introduced the implementation of new technologies and procedures, resulting in three times the revenue collected.
In 2012, I was appointed Director General of the Social Security Institute of the State of Mexico, where I led a reform to strengthen the Institute’s revenue collection, pension, and health systems. During this time, I was also part of the team awarded with the Project Finance`s Deal of the Year in the Latin American category.
Before WCO
In 2013, I was appointed Administrator General of Evaluation and Internal Affairs in the Tax Administration Service, where I was responsible for developing actions to strengthen integrity and transparency in Customs procedures. During this time, in coordination with other national security agencies, major security and enforcement operations were implemented in the most relevant Mexican ports of entry to fight organized crime.
I represented Mexico in several international forums and lead the work done in the Anticorruption Working Group of the G20 together with WCO and OECD to develop the “High Level Principles on Countering Corruption in Customs”.
During this time, the Indicator of Corruption Perception for the Tax Administration Service, decreased dramatically reaching its lowest point in history. During this term, Mexican Customs administration implemented several security operations coordinated with other state agencies to combat organized crime and corruption.
In 2015, I was appointed by the President of Mexico and ratified by the Senate as Administrator General of Customs. During my tenure in office, I promoted the digitalization of Customs procedures and cooperation with other border agencies.
Through the implementation of technology and data analysis, the risk alert effectiveness increased and impacted revenue collection doubling its results.
During this term, Mexican Customs administration implemented several security operations coordinated with other state agencies to combat organized crime and corruption.
As Customs Administrator General, I also served as Vice Chair of the Americas and Caribbean Region to the World Customs Organization from 2015 to 2016, developing for the first time a coordinated regional strategic plan. Mexico also hosted in Cancun the WCO 2nd Global AEO Conference which was a huge success.
In the international collaboration arena, coordination with neighbor countries was a priority and as result together with US Customs and Border Patrol, the joint release operations started and the first steps toward implementing similar joint operations with Guatemala initiated. Mexico`s Customs Administration signed over 40 different MoU’s with equal number of countries for exchange of information. I also represented Mexican Customs in other related working groups at the OECD, UNODC, WTO, among others.
After being chosen as the Americas and Caribbean unified candidate for the Deputy Secretary General position, in December 2017, I was elected by the WCO Council.
After being elected in December 2017, I joined WCO as soon as January 2018. Since my arrival, I have focused on reinventing and providing relevance to the role of the DSG and the Organization itself.
Please read more on the next section “AT the WCO” to learn some of my activities as DSG.

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